Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Thursday, 20 October 2016

Still using too much gas!

Here we are back at Plank Lane again where we will remain until after our mini break in west Wales next week. We are full of everything we need (diesel, gas, water, coal and logs) and without that which we don't need, i.e. all cassettes are empty!
Our social diary is full except for a couple of days right through until the end of the month what with Halloween parties, dinner parties, holiday planning then the holiday itself. We should just have time to enhance Elaine's boudoir and get the boat's major service done before we go away enabling us to make a quick getaway after Wales.
Not that we will be going very far what with winter stoppages! However, with a little advance planning I'm sure we can move around enough to keep us entertained. Actually, we will be moving tomorrow, but only from under these trees that are preventing our Sky dish from receiving a signal.
Normal TV reception isn't a problem as I can actually see Winter Hill transmitter from our mooring. However, no Sky means no recording of programmes but we have enough data from our phones and our router that I can always catch up using catch up, if you get my drift.

Tonight's tea is simmering away. The trouble is, it's simmering away on the cooker, not on top of the wood burner, hence the title of this missive. The reality is the weather isn't cold enough to have the fire hot enough to cook on! At the moment we are burning just a couple of shovels of coal and one log every 24hrs. And we still have to open the cabin door to let the heat out! Still, if we are using gas it must mean we aren't burning coal and logs so its swings and roundabouts I suppose. It's just that my parsimonious side is always looking for ways to get something for nothing, which I feel is what cooking on the wood burner is in my opinion. Actually, stay tuned because I will hopefully have news of my next step towards living for free shortly (always like to keep my audience riveted, to quote Blazing Saddles!).
Well that's all folks. Tomorrow is our grandkids' Halloween party and I can't wait (no jokes about taking this mask off please)! I'll post a few pics but no doubt so will Charlotte on Facebook.

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