Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Happy Birthday to me!

Yes, I'm 56 today, an age belied by my boyish good looks and constantly sunny disposition! Seriously, I have never made anything at all of any of my birthdays but as I awoke to this most glorious of days (isn't this the best autumn EVER?) I am filled with a deep appreciation of the fact that early retirement is the best gift Elaine and I ever gave or received.
Those of you still working might not like this but we constantly tell each other how lucky we are. It's like when Paul Whitehouse said "in't milk great!". Well, retirement is better! Having been fully retired since July last year I can happily report there hasn't been a single nanosecond when I wished I was still working. Even yesterday when Lottie refused to fire up and I was almost at my wits end I could console myself with the knowledge that it's better than enduring a 2 day grilling in a quarterly board meeting!
If I was still working I would have missed this start to the day

as this hot air balloon tried to make the most of the tiniest breath of wind.
Right, that's my gloating over for today. Watch Lottie bring me down to earth now by refusing to start! Hmm, bleeding a fuel system or compiling a board report - no brainer!


  1. Happy birthday Jim hope you have a fantastic day and see you tomorrow! Sunny disposition REALLY ????

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Happy birthday Jim. Hope you have a great day. Will forgive the poetic licence this once as its your birthday. Boyish good looks and sunny disposition indeed. As Jim royal would say "Sunny, my arse!"

  4. Thanks for the comments. My sunny disposition has been dented somewhat today due to Tesco's, Morrisons', Sainsbury's, some pet shop or other, Home & Bargain then the chemist's. Still, all set for the short holiday now starting tomorrow!


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