Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Thursday, 6 October 2016

A couple of corrections then a message from the heart

A welcome return to our normal eating standards

Also, the bird we spotted yesterday was a common sandpiper, though I think you would agree not so common on the canal in Leigh.

Finally but most important, happy 26th anniversary Elaine. None of it makes any sense without you. Twenty six years seem to have gone in the blink of an eye but here's hoping for the same again with my wonderful, perfect wife. I love you.


  1. Happy anniversary you two. Looks like your having a ball x

    1. Yay my first ever comment! Thanks Emma, we will see you soon.

  2. Did you really write that moving, loving and romantic piece or you been hacked 😂😂 Happy Anniversary and catch up soon 👍👍

    1. That was Wayne by the way not Emma 😂😂😂 bloody technology

  3. Well well well Jim's getting sloppy in his old age....pass the sick bag !! Hope you rocked the boat !!!

  4. You`'ll catch no harm with that lot down yer neck!
    Another 5 mile to yomp it off Will do the trick.


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