Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Glad we didn't move

Remember I said we would be staying in Dunham for a couple of days so that we could get a few jobs done? Well, it didn't happen. Yes, we stayed but, no, the jobs didn't get done. Motivation deserted me for some reason and the little devil on my shoulder kept rationalising my laziness. However, we got stuck in today

The bilges got cleaned up and the greaser refilled, then I washed my dirty knees!
Next it was time to repair the rear steps with longer screws in the hinges, then up went the spice rack

then finally the drying rail over the stove and a new (we've had it for years!) roller blind

Elaine gave the front half of Lottie a good scrubbing then it was time to set tonight's Bolognese on the stove for a slow simmer - sorted!
Tomorrow we'll empty a couple of cassettes, stock up on gas and coal then get through Preston Brook tunnel for a few days on the Trent and Mersey.
Oh, and the reason I'm glad we didn't move? It's pouring down as I write this!

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