Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Tuesday, 29 November 2016

The correct decision

Having woke up to this view this morning

we knew Sunday night's decision to run from our spot just beyond Appley Bridge straight through to Crankwood yesterday was the correct one! It took us five hours to get here on a day that - even though it was enjoyable - we were glad to see the back of.
Elaine worked like a Trojan on all seven locks yesterday. Every one was set against us, which you just have to accept. What is very difficult to accept, however, is that state of said locks. Extremely heavy gates, gate paddles and sluices not working, rack and pinions slipping on the ones that did work and one case of a gate paddle allowing water into a lock we were emptying just isn't acceptable.  Elaine was worn out and I was rattled - it's not a nice sensation to be sat in a lock you have emptied to find water blasting into the lock behind you, soaking the back deck and throwing the boat everywhere. Particularly when you have to reverse into the torrent so that Elaine can open the gates! I did phone C&RT to report the last problem when my heart rate had returned to double figures but, actually, I'm within my rights to report every problem we encounter.
It wasn't all bad though. The water was flat calm and Lottie knifed through it serenely. It's an unexpected feeling but both of us are really enjoying staying out of the marina this winter. With no other boat traffic moving we feel like we have the entire system to ourselves. Cruising for five hours is too much in winter admittedly though. The problem we had is that we committed ourselves to look after Wilson tomorrow so we had to get back yesterday before the canal froze over. It's difficult to spot in this pic but there was ice forming as we came through the flashes at Poolstock.
Once we were away from all that open water which was lowering the air temperature we were fine though. The only thing left to complain about is the ruination of the sky by an ever increasing amount of air traffic 😡

Finally, a couple of questions. First, where have all the jays gone? We haven't seen one for ages and, as far as I'm aware, they don't all migrate. Second, have you ever seen a squirrel fall out of a tree? We did yesterday, it was hilarious! Luckily, the only damage was to the little chap's pride!

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