Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Sunday, 6 November 2016

End of an era

Yesterday we partied with the Benson family for the last time. A week tomorrow our very special friends depart these shores to return to New Zealand after eleven years here. Not bad considering, when Tony came over here to coach Leigh Centurions they planned to stay for just two!
Over that time we have grown ever closer to this wonderful family and it is heart wrenching to think that they are moving on. Louise is beautiful, feisty and passionate and Tony has a constant thirst for knowledge that inspires. We have seen Joe grow (and boy has he grown!) from a toddler into a boy with a distinct personality, fully grounded in his local environment but at the same time possessing a "difference" that comes from his cultural heritage.
They have decided that it is time to return home for Joe's sake and who is to say they are wrong in that? Still, it doesn't make the parting any easier. True, lifelong friends are a rare gift and whilst we appreciate their motives we are truly saddened at their leaving. Of course, this is more "Au revoir" than goodbye as we will see them probably in early 2018. Who knows how tall Joe will be by then!
We wish them all the best for the future which we will watch unfold from afar courtesy of Facebook and other media.


  1. Can't believe it's 11 years Tony has been here, and the rugby is as bad as ever

  2. And in that 11 years, how many clubs as he racked up on his coaching CV ������ not far off an average of 1 a year I bet. A very nice family who have embraced life over here, adopted Leythers for sure.


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