Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Sunday, 20 November 2016

A break in the weather

At last a bit of sunshine! We've spent the last few days with this
working harder than of late so it was time to take advantage of the better weather and move up the 50m or so to the services and fill up with water. As it turned out we weren't the only ones with this idea. Already on the services was a boater we know pretty well but hadn't seen for ages. It turns out he's took a mooring beyond Burscough for the winter which explains things. We had a good chat whilst waiting our turn, during which time another boat came by for water and yet another for diesel from the chandlery opposite the services. All in all we had a very pleasant midday with our little group, chatting, joking and stroking dogs - it doesn't take much to keep us happy!
With Lottie filled up it was time to reverse back to our mooring (we had actually left our pins in the ground there in an effort to deter anyone from taking our spot). This was going OK until a huge clump of floating Pennywort became entangled around the rudder which meant I had to tip toe along the side of the boat to get the boat hook. Have you ever tried tip toeing with even a mild attack of gout? Not recommended! However, there was nothing else I could do as I was alone on board (Elaine was on the towpath making sure no one nicked our pins).
Safely back on our mooring we passed pleasantries with a couple of our neighbours who were out and about enjoying the sunshine (heading to the pub, actually!) so I make it we've chatted to the occupants of six separate boats already which must be a record for me!
Oh, I nearly forgot to mention we have brought our car up to here from Charlotte's. As a change of routine we will be making a few trips out by road this week before returning the car on Friday after the Christmas lights switch on here. Charlotte and the boys will be coming over for that - and, hopefully, the return of last year's hot dog van. As I said, it doesn't take much to keep us happy!

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