Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Thursday, 27 April 2017

Llangollen at last!

Given a favourable forecast we went all the way yesterday. At times it was tortuous - struggling holiday boats and running aground where fairly frequent hazards. By far the worst, though, is the combination of trying to go upstream in areas where the canal narrows. Unlike other canals the Llangollen flows from here down to Hurlston. It's mostly not a problem but in the tunnels and two single lane sections you are virtually stopped dead as the water has nowhere to go.
So we did the two aqueducts and the two tunnels and the beautiful but frustrating last section to the marina at the end and, still, I'm in two minds about this canal. I'll deliver judgement after we cruise back, maybe going easily downstream will have a bearing.
I promised lots of pics and Elaine (with the assistance of an Aussie tourist who took our camera for a couple) got the job done. Here they are.

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