Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Monday, 24 April 2017


The meres of Ellesmere (there are seven in total) were at their finest as we cruised to the town itself on Saturday. With the sun shining brightly (chilly wind though) they gave the best of themselves to Elaine's camera

At Ellesmere there is a short branch leading to what was the town wharf. With 72hr moorings and Tesco's right on the basin this is a popular place to stay and our decision to get here in the early afternoon was a wise one. We were tied up before the next raft of holidaymakers took to their boats at the nearby marina and got another big shop in (25% off six bottles or more 🍷).
Yesterday we walked around the biggest mere, rather boringly called The Mere. After Cole Mere, Blake Mere, Kettle Mere, White Mere, etc I guess they simply ran out of ideas! However, the walk itself was anything but boring, clouds of midges notwithstanding.
Clouds of bluebells - much better!

Today I've got the stern gland tightened up (water, water everywhere. Well, not quite but it's all dry now) and we will probably move on after another shop - the fact that the wine offer ends today being entirely coincidental!

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