Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Saturday, 1 April 2017

A walk around Beeston Castle

Took a stroll up to Beeston Castle yesterday and followed the road which runs all the way around the hill. We saw a pair of grey wagtails feeding on the lock byewash
and, on our way back, we got pretty close to this heron (apologies for the blurry pic).
However, the coolest thing we saw was this little chap

I reckon less than an hour old. Less cool was the mother eating the afterbirth 
It was farm after farm on the walk and I took a few snaps - they don't appear to be struggling too much! 

Here is the millpond where we saw the heron

and behind this grate is the actual working waterwheel 
Not the best picture ever!
All finished off with a couple of pints at the Shady Oak, that's 25 miles walked this week.

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