Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Thursday, 23 February 2017

Damn you, Doris!

So here's how the last couple of days went. We took a walk back to Vicar's Hall bridge and, sure enough, the closure had been put in place - and how!

At least the fish can get through!
Also, we are obviously accessible by road so these two stayed last night

This morning we awoke to storm Doris so our planned day out was aborted. Instead, we watched a film with the kids, went out for lunch then Elaine and I returned to Lottie - who had made her own way to the opposite towpath! The 8mm welded steel loop had snapped off one of our mooring pins resulting in the following. I can't seem to get the video to run which is just as well given the bad language but many thanks to Dave and the rest of the Boothstown Marina crew for saving the day in my absence!

You can view the two videos on Elaine's Facebook page.

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