Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Away from the canal

As we have done so often this winter, we yesterday took advantage of the proximity of our car and had a drive out and away from the canal. With the weather set fair we headed for Rivington for a leisurely couple of miles strolling around the reservoirs that (I believe) supply tap water to Merseyside.
Clearly there had been abundant rainfall as the often dry overflows between reservoirs were in full effect.
Yarrow reservoir overflow to Anglezarke
Anglezarke overflow to Rivington reservoir

With such good weather we simply drank in the stunning scenery

before returning to Rivington a Bowling Club for a drink of a different kind. Elaine decided on foreign muck whilst I had a pint from a Sheffield based micro brewery. "People have been bringing it back but it's supposed to be cloudy", explained the bar lady as she served me this.

With me being well aware the trend for hazy beers, plus the vegan movement complaining about fish based finings used to produce clear, sparkling beers I said confidently, "don't worry, I've drunk lots of this stuff." Guess which one of us was glued to the toilet come 7pm?

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