It was a grey day yesterday and we felt as if we were journeying through a landscape on hold with most trees denuded now and almost all canal weed gone. It's as if Mother Nature has gone all Schwarzenegger on us, promising "I'll be back" come springtime. Well, to be honest, we can wait!
I posted earlier in autumn about my hatred of early nights and me counting down the days to the winter solstice. Well, that hatred simply hasn't materialised to the same extent this year. I presume because I'm no longer going to work in the dark, getting home in the dark I'm just not as low as I usually get at this time of year. In fact, it isn't bothering me in the slightest!
Today we awoke to a beautiful, sunny day but with patchy ice on the canal. We could push through easily enough but why bother? Tomorrow is even colder so we will wait until Tuesday or maybe for Wednesday's balmy 12C before moving again.
Here are some pointless photographs totally unrelated to my post but able to break the monotony of a slab of text. I really want to capture just how crystal clear the water is but it's difficult to do with an iPhone. Time to invest in a swanky camera?
So popular with the motorists!
New Marina residents at Pennington Wharf
Much needed new housing in Leigh
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