Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Thursday, 8 December 2016

A mild meander

With all the ice having finally melted we have returned to Plank Lane from Boothstown, calling at the  canal services at Butts Bridge on the way to fill with water and to empty all cassettes. We can last about ten days now without moving but, ever wary now since being frozen in, we probably won't wait that long. The much improved temperatures meant no hat or gloves were required today (no hair either - I paid an overdue visit to the barber yesterday!) and we seemed to make excellent time on the journey back.
Again, the clarity of the water was absolutely staggering, allowing me to see a monster carp at Astley heading in the opposite direction. It's just a shame that all of the garbage in the canal is visible too but I choose to look upon this as an improving situation, particularly since the plastic bag levy came into force.
The thaw and yesterday's slight rain certainly haven't helped the towpath in places and I want to admit to being wrong regarding Peel Holdings' towpath improvement scheme. Last year I was of the opinion that they should leave well alone, a little bit of mud in winter being no big thing, it would slow down cyclists, etc. But this,

I have to admit, is much better than this
so I hold my hands up and say well done Peel Holdings in this instance.

Living as we do with the entire outdoors as our garden is a great way to get to know the patterns of nature. Even if you don't wish to actively study your surroundings you can't help but absorb information. For example, we now know which is the last tree species ( in this area, at least) to shed its leaves and that is the oak. The trees lining the canal between Astley and Leigh are mostly oak and this recent freezing spell has led to an oak leaf avalanche.

Sadly for us, they don't always land on the towpath!

Frequent propeller clearing required!

Finally I'm pleased to report my massive foot improvement (who knew I had a massive foot, then 😉 ). I'm into my fifth week of toe trouble but another visit to the docs - and another £8.40 prescription - seems to have put me on the road to recovery. Back to the long walks soon, fingers crossed.

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