Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Spencer's Bridge, Newburgh

Any idea what this is? Pretty easy to guess, really.....

It's drying day! I set our new washing line up on the rear deck and Elaine had no sooner loaded it up than it started to rain. Thankfully, it was only the tiniest of showers. Everything will be dry soon then it's off to Burscough Services to empty cassettes and fill the water tank.

We will be heading back to the marina for a diesel fill then it will be back out again, probably only returning in November. We have no destination in mind, merely moving on or staying put as the whim takes us. Actually, this is a lovely spot and we could quite happily stay here for a day or two, full cassettes and empty water tank notwithstanding.
Yesterday, having feasted (there's no other word for it) on an Elaine Burger (add beef tomato, bacon and fried egg, then give your doctor a dumbfounded look when your cholesterol figure nosedives) we strolled via the back lanes to the Ring O' Bells for a quiet pint before returning via the towpath as the sun was setting.
I could easily get used to this....

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