Yesterday we got ourselves down all the locks at Grindley Brook then called it a day. Although very sunny the wind slightly took the edge off. Remember this pic I took as we went up?
Well, yesterday the wind was blowing an absolute gale through here and we were the first boat on the 48hr moorings as the canal bends to the right. We'd been tied up for about half an hour when thump! Someone came through, couldn't make the turn in the wind so ran into the back of Lottie. I mean, don't the holiday boats have a reverse gear?
After getting out there and pushing the miscreant off the bank and guiding her safety around us we headed to the excellent Horse and Jockey for a couple. We were making a fuss over the landlord's dogs, Blaze and Busby. As I went for a refill the landlord predicted Blaze would nick my seat and, sure enough, he did. The landlord dragged him off it then Busby jumped up instead with Blaze taking what we were told was "their" chair adjacent to Elaine. When the music stopped I was seated and Busby wasn't so he sloped off to watch someone eating a burger. Top pub.
Today saw a repeat of the weather with, if anything, stronger winds. Having come down the three locks we stopped at the Marbury moorings we used on the way up and walked into the village.
The "main road" into Marbury.
The village green was as we remembered it from eight years ago but the pub was shut down and appeared to be undergoing renovation. Oh well, we would have to settle for a nosey around the village.
Oak tree planted in 1815 to celebrate Waterloo.
As we rounded St Mark's church
the Big Mere came into view - stunning.
After a few minutes soaking up the scene we had a mooch around the church itself, including the bell tower
You'll be pleased to know she didn't!
So back to the boat it was. Tomorrow we hit Wrenbury with the family coming up for Wilson's birthday lunch with us.
Looks like you are having fun, looks lovely x hopefully see you both soon x
ReplyDeleteBack in about three weeks!