Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Sunday, 25 September 2016

It's probably my own fault...

....but I had to get this lot out today.

This here is a water filter
You are supposed to change it annually but since we only drink bottled water I haven't bothered. Now it's leaking and I probably have only myself to blame. It's under the sink (obviously) but, more importantly, the sink cupboard had one of those sliding racks that moves further into the cupboard as you close the door.
The filter apparently simply unscrews but not after 6 years! So, it was off with the door, disengage the linkage, slide the rack to the right (you can just see it in the photo), swing the hinged basket out then get in there head first, belly up. And I still can't undo it! So we've had to come back to where we left the car and it'll be a trip to Midland Chandlers in the morning for a complete replacement unit. Oh, the joys of boating!
I'll end on a "cheeky" note with this guy who passed us the other day

Pull yer pants up mate!

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