Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.


Sunday, 3 April 2016

What a difference s day makes

Wow, Saturday's weather couldn't have been more different. But we'd arranged to meet the gang in Parbold so off we went, stopping at the Rufford branch for water on the way
Drink up Lottie
We then crawled at tickover speed behind Arthur manning the little trip boat until he let us through after inexplicably ploughing into an old work boat that was tied up. Must have shook his passengers up!

Charlotte and the kids arrived just as we did

only for her to reveal she had left their footwear at home so the planned walk was off. So, we improvised and came up with a less muddy route.
We gave the kids a hearty, nutritious snack and set off

Making just one pit stop for Logan's call of nature

Not much point being a Grandad if you can't embarrass your grandkids! 

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