I thought I'd get this out of the way early as we wait to peg the washing out then hit the trail for a walk. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so
Looking back at the Gauging Lock and Canal House
Lottie in the Lower Basin
The Middle Basin
Ruins of the lime shed in the Middle Basin arm
View from the start of the Tramway Trail
There are lots of exhibits, sign, etc telling you all about the heyday of the basin
Such was the level of activity here with wagons falling by gravity the six miles from the quarries at Dove Holes, unloading into the waiting boats plus the lime kilns burning non stop and belching out sulphurous smoke that today it is a picture of tranquility, right? Well, it would be apart from the damned A6 dual carriageway beyond the trees. What a racket! Still, we have plenty of room to spread out, so it isn't all bad. We have the washing line, windbreak, table and chairs all out plus the obligatory BBQ
We will walk it off today!
Hope that explains a bit about the basin but I have to go now, there's a guy trying to reverse past us making a right mess of it!
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