Lottie D is a 57' cruiser stern narrow boat named after our daughter Charlotte. With us both finally retired it's time to record our life on the canal network.
Work has commenced at Stillwater Narrowboats on NB Lottie D. She is to be fitted out as a liveaboard, though we will only be weekend/holiday cruisers for while yet. Pictures of unpainted steel to follow!
Elaine and I have a shared interest in nature and the outdoors. Out walking one day, we came across a man working on his narrowboat and through conversation learned a little of his liveaboard lifestyle. Two holiday boat charters and a visit to Crick boat show later and we had ordered Lottie D. Our intention is to get the most out of this way of life whilst leaving as little imprint as possible behind us, and we write this blog both to keep people informed of our activities and as a personal record.
Post some more pics! Would love to see the inside of the 'Lottie-D' and some of the views from your travels! Wendy x